Blendtec vs. Vitamix

Any amount of exposure to the Raw Food lifestyle will likely have exposed you to either the Blentec or Vitamix blenders.

I’ll cut to the chase. At this moment in time, I have tried neither.
From the research I’ve done, there is very little difference between the two.
I will be purchasing a reconditioned Vitamix Super (with a wet and dry container) from

Ok … now onto why.

I plan on making smoothies, soups and nut butters.

I plan on grinding nuts/seeds – making flours

Blendtec boast that you do not need a separate wet/dry container with their blender – that it does a superior blending job with both in their single container, thanks to the vortex created.

From the reading I’ve done, the Vitamix produces a silkier smoothie than the Blendtec.
Although Blendtec have a higher horsepower, and higher amps, the rpms are higher on the Vitamix, and with the additional blade coupling on the Vitamix, you get twice as many blades moving at this faster speed.
Nutritionally, there is no doubt that both units break down the cell walls in a sufficient manner to release nutrients.

Blendtec state that you do NOT need a tamper with their container, however I’ve read several cases where an abundance of leafy greens have needed to be somehow pushed down into the base (meaning that Blendtec users have to either buy a custom-made tamper, or lift the lid and use a spatula to push the greens down.

As I plan on using many leafy greens in large quantities, I like the idea of a blender that already has a tamper built in.


The Blendtec has a digital display with pre-programmed settings. The Vitamix includes an on/off switch, a full speed/variable speed switch, and a knob/dial for the variable speed.
In my opinion digital extras are just another thing that can go wrong.


Blendtec advertise a 3-year all-round warranty, with a lifetime warranty on their blade, whereas Vitamix offer a flat 7-year warranty (upgradeable to a 10-year warranty for $75 or so).
I’ve heard stories that bring Blendtec’s customer service into question, whereas all Vitamix customer service reports (that I’ve read) are glowing. Nevertheless, I must be fair and state that if I were to search hard, I’m sure I could find  a couple of disgruntled Vitamix customers.

The cost of repairing an out-of-warranty Vitamix base seems to be in the region of $100.
I cannot offer a comparible price for the Blendtec.

Customer service quality is important … I’m being a sheep on this one and going with the large following.



2011-Jan-3 Note: I bought my Vitamix.