Long weekend 1 of 3

I booked Thursday 11th and Friday 12th off work, so that I could tend to Eliza while Frank got caught up on his work around the house.

My checklist for those two days was as follows:

  • Clean all globes on the entry chandeliers
  • Create a faux leaded-glass effect on our front door
  • Finish the upholstry on the entry suite
  • Clean the drawing room chandelier
  • Clear the kitchen

It seems like such a depressingly SMALL list!
Even worse, I must confess that I got precious little of it done.

To my defence, however, this list was ON TOP of the ‘regular’ weekend duties that are performed.

Admittedly, the upholstry is nearly finished.

The seat portions are all covered, I just have to do the backs.

The chandeliers in the entry are completely cleaned, and Frank managed to go over the marks I made on our front door with the sticky-back lead-effect rubber.

I made a lot of headway in the kitchen, but that room is an endless battle.
Frank’s been working on getting the face frames and shelves finished/installed, and once those are done, storage space will be bountiful.

As for the Drawing Room, we actually bought a bunch of paint on Friday with which to fill a second layer on the Drawing and Dining room walls, and paint bedroom 3.
There will be enough spare to do stencilling around the place.

I didn’t get the chandelier in there cleaned, but in all honesty, I need to give that room a good top-to-tail.
Since the furnace kicked back into action, a summer of dust has been blown around the house.

Frank started painting the walls in there last night, and said that he’ll complete it all today.
Once the walls are done, I’ll don my apron, grab my duster and a wet cloth, and go to work.

One thing that I did manage to get done was to clear the surfaces into the dining room.
The dining room really is at the core of our house. You have to pass through it to get from the Library, Entry, or Drawing room to the Kitchen or Toilet … and from any of those rooms to the basement (the basement door is off of the dining room).

Things tend to get dumped on the table, and all of the tools that Frank uses get left on the floor near the basement door.

Furniture suite number 2, which needs to be upholstered, is also piled in the dining room against one wall … but I have to wait until the Mezannine is compelted before I can move everything back up there.

Painting the Mez is proving difficult (not skill-wise, but time-wise).
The little madam hasn’t been too good at staying asleep after I put her down for a nap.

Oh well.

There’s always long weekend 2 of 3, right? (Thanksgiving weekend, 25th, 26th November).