First half of August in the Garden

I noticed that the one of baby aacorn squash that I’d been watching was noticibly MISSING this morning … but another is producing on the opposite end of the bed. It’s about golf-ball sized now.

We have one yellow squash growing on a plant … but a number of the plants have also started rotting around the bases. Perhaps the weeds kept them too moist for too long?
I don’t know.

We’ve had cooler weather this past week, and the peas have perked up a bit.

The basil plants between the tomatoes and peppers are more like bushes now.
I’ve not seen any more peppers … but there are a number of green tomatoes.
I picked two more this weekend.

Sweet potatoes are doing well, seemingly.
I had to pull some of the vines out of the ground, as they were trying to put additional roots in (and that’s not good, coz it takes energy away from the potatoes under the main plant)