Raw update

I’ve been 60-70% raw per day for over a week now.

For the first week, I started each day with a smoothie of 2 bananas & very large handful of kale, ate a further 2 bananas, 3 oranges, 1 kiwi, 1 pear, and 1 apple while at work, and then had a small cooked meal accompanied by a salad at night.

This week, I’ve upped my smoothie in the morning to 3 bananas and 100g kale, I’ve been eating an additional orange, skipped out on the kiwi and pear (there weren’t any at the market this week!!) but have replaced those with 2 additional apples.

At the weekend, I made a hummus with the almond pulp from making my almond milk, and enjoyed that as a spread inside of a collard leaf stuffed with other various vegetables.

Dinner last night for Frank was garlic pasta, so for myself, I soaked 1/2 medium onion and 1/2 a medium courgette (julienned) in some garlic and olive oil, and then tossed that with some diced tomatoes and peppers and various herbs. I sprinkled nutritional yeast on the top to give it a nutty/cheesy flavour.

Tonight, his dinner will be diced potato fried with veg and eggs.
I’m not sure whether to dice up cucumber or the rest of my courgette to act as my ‘base’, but I’ll marinade that in lemon and herbs while cooking his food, before tossing it with some other vegetables.
I have some recipes for nut-free salad dressings. Perhaps I should look into using one tonight.


Ugh. As my body has been getting used to the huge jump in fiber, I have been soooooo bloaty and gassy!! It’s been super uncomfortable, but I’ve tried to structure my fruit eating so that I eat the most fiberous fruits later in the day.
As of yesterday, the excess gas was GREATLY reduced.

Thanks to www.nutridiary.com, I’ve realised that I’m probably consuming 4x the recommended amount of fiber, so figured that I could afford to juice more of my fruit/veg, saving the pulp for use on other interesting concoctions.

Since Sunday morning, I’ve been regularly waking just before 4am (getting out of bed then, unless Miss Eliza has other plans!! 😛 ).

I’ve felt a lot more focused too – well, maybe ‘focus’ is the wrong word … but I’ve definitely had more mental clarity.

I’m looking forward to this time next month, when (with any luck) I’ll be feeling like I did 10 months ago!!