Oh, the fatigue

My body went on strike from the 5am starts and 12am finishes… so I’ve been under a ton of physical fatigue. A teething infant hasn’t really helped matters either.

That’s one thing I loved about being pregnant – the hormones that my body was producing made me feel on such top form. They’re all rapidly wearing off.


Our old house which is nearly finished being transformed into an upscale rental (at least for this area … it sports a hand-crafted oak bar, and a twin Jacuzzi) has actually given us a lot of grief (City officials breathing down our neck to complete the final minute details).

At one point they threatened us with a $75,000+ fine – that certainly didn’t help me get much sleep.

Eliza has been having very restless nights, which means that I’ve been having restless nights. She’s been running a slightly high temperature, which isn’t very welcome even though the outdoor temperatures have dropped considerably.

Our garden is finally producing in full force.


I’ve got 7 pint jars of hot peppers canned with balsamic vinegar (they’ll last a good year) … but I have more than twice as many in the fridge that I’ve not done anything to!! Eeeek! And that was only 1/3 of the peppers!

Due to my general state of exhaustion, I’ve not been cleaning house as I had hoped (which has disappointed me greatly) … but I keep telling myself that things will all calm down soon enough, and that I’ll be able to get the sense of order back again.

But then again, I still have a million and one projects on the run… like the partially reupholstered Victorian suite in the below photo!