The Garden

April is less than two months away.
April is when our darling little seedlings will be started (I mean plant seeds … we’re not ‘growing’ any more babies just yet!).

We have a large enough plot of land, given that we’re ‘downtown’ (even if it is a rather small town), and hope to add more over the years.
At the moment, we have just over 1/2 acre. With any luck, by the time we’re done, we should have 1.5-2 acres.

I’ve been reading up on intensive gardening techniques, and if you’ve read my earlier posts you will have read about the companion planting techniques which I hope to adopt.

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Next year’s garden

I believe (hope) that we are finally at a point where we can start planning for our formal sculpted garden (dispite the fact that we’ve not even harvested all from this year’s garden!).

It might sound odd that I’m coupling the words ‘formal garden’ with ‘harvest’, but I am planning on planting along ‘Companion Planting’ guidelines, and mingling flowers and shubbery with fruits and vegetables

What do I want more or less of?

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Canning Calculations

Our garden this year has seemed to fall behind others’ gardens.

The veg is looking great, but everything has seemed 2 weeks behind ‘normal’ production schedules that I’ve seen elsewhere.

Of course, some of this could be because we have non-gm heirloom plants, rather than special everything-tolerant plants. I don’t know.

I printed out a copy of our 5-week menu and started by identifying which meals have a base of tomatoes.

I figured that the cycle repeats itself 10.4 times in the year, so I rounded that up to 11.

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