Inflammation Factor

I’ve switched from monitoring my daily intake via to
Nutrition Data has FAR more information, and while you can’t have a ‘historical’ log of what you ate on a given day, you can track a single day’s intake easily enough.

I found my eyebrows raising somewhat when I saw that the overall ‘inflamation factor of my consumed foods on Friday was high!!

APPLES!!! Apples are moderately inflammatory!
Bananas are too, to a much lesser extent.

What does that tell me?


Raw update

I’ve been 60-70% raw per day for over a week now.

For the first week, I started each day with a smoothie of 2 bananas & very large handful of kale, ate a further 2 bananas, 3 oranges, 1 kiwi, 1 pear, and 1 apple while at work, and then had a small cooked meal accompanied by a salad at night.

Continue reading “Raw update”

The End of Long Weekends

I’m not sure that I even wish to say a great deal here!

I only got a tiny proportion of the work done that I’d anticipated getting done.

Eliza has been trying to cut the same teeth unsuccessfully for a couple of months now, and she’s frustrated, and we’re frustrated.

She’s not really wanted to do much on her own, and nighttime has been difficult to say the least. So despite having more company, and anticipating doing more work, it’s been same-old-same-old.
Not much has got done.
I’ve not been sleeping well either.


Too nutty about nuts.

One of the main reasons why I stopped the whole raw thing last year was because nuts were becoming too expensive to keep buying.

I borrowed a huge number of Raw Food books from my local library, and started going crazy jotting down recipes.

I wasn’t overly keen on the lack of variation that a life of salad would include, so these ‘gourmet’ recipes really intrigued me. Many of the recipies had nuts as a base … so I bought lots and lots of nuts.

This time around, I’ve been reading more about nutrition and less about fancy recipes. Continue reading “Too nutty about nuts.”